Monday, September 3, 2012

Another day...

Many weeks ago, I didn't want to work labor day. I wanted to spend time with the family. Oh, how id work all weekend day and night just to have Zech with me.
Makes each day that more precious.
In 10 short weeks we bonded. We learned about each other. Id eat spices and stay away from pineapples while he would let me eat sweets and helped me rest.
I know he never heard, at least I don't think so, the songs daddy would sing or the music mommy would put on. I probably had many one sided convos talking to him in my womb, but it was important to me. I embraced every part of being his mom. Theres nothing my flesh can tell me. I can't be angry at myself for anything because I know, I did the best to prepare. I can't be mad at God because I know He has a bigger plan. I know He is taking great care of my boy. I know it wasn't a dream. Every time my flesh wants to be mad, I can't. I know what I know. He can't come to me, but I will go to him.

Today, we are going to just live. Clean house & cook while David grills. Im going to practice life that isn't centered around a miscarriage but centered around God. I plan to laugh alot today.

I have alot to be happy about.
I will always be a mom.

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