Saturday, September 1, 2012

Heaven is Real.

I kept seeing this yellow book with this handsome blond boy on the cover. I heard about it, about this 3 year olds visit to heaven during emergency surgery.
The day after the D&C, David got me the book. I read it in just a couple of hours. I stopped often to cry over parts or just my own realization Zac wasn't with me. I was one again and I absolutely loved being ya'll.
Some parts in the book truly helped me stay positive while I am healing.
I am finding it easier to open up about it. I keep alot of thoughts, ironically the same day dreams I had when I was pregnant, in my head but sometimes I just have to say " i miss him".
We researched trying again when my body is healed and doc gives us the thumbs up. I am sometimes excited, sometimes like...whoa,what?
We will do what we always done: its in Gods hands and I am ok with that.
Either way, I will keep my faith strong as always.

Also, wanted to share the beautiful flowers & cross that.Davids amazing boss & coworkers sent me. Its beautiful to see people just being nice.

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