Thursday, August 2, 2012

St. Francis Er.

We made a trip in the hot weather to Tulsa, do to the fact I was spotting and it freaked me (us) out. I was at work and I know how busy we get that if something was wrong it was bound to get worse.
Well, everything is fine!
I had a vaginal ultrasound and a belly ultrasound. The verdict was that everything was normal and where it needed to be growth wise.
Then I had a quick physical check and she gave me the thumbs up but Im told to start taking it easy.
My OB appointment is Monday & when nurses/ docs asked me where they were all like excited. Tulsa womens health care has an amazingly great reputation! Makes some of my fears calm a bit.
The staff at S.F.H are amazing themselves. Everyone is super friendly and my last bill was so much cheaper then the other hospital when I was dealing with bunny face.

I came home & napped. I need to pick up our bedroom and bathroom but after driving in that 1000000000 degree heat all I wanna do is sleep.

God is good! So good!!!

Im only about 4-5 weeks. Meaning I new within days I was pregnant
(the signs) and took a test when I was a week & the confirmation one when I was only two!

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