Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oh those round ligaments!

What is round ligament pain?

The round ligaments surround your uterus in your pelvis. As your uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments stretch and thicken to accommodate and support it. These changes may occasionally cause pain on one or both sides of your abdomen.
You may feel round ligament pain as a short jabbing sensation or a sharp, stabbing pain if you suddenly change position, such as when you're getting out of bed or out of a chair or when you cough, roll over in bed, or get out of the bathtub. You might also feel it as a dull ache after a particularly active day when you've been walking a lot or doing some other physical activity.
You may feel the pain starting from deep inside your groin, moving upward and outward on either side to the top of your hips. The pain is internal, but if you were to trace it on your skin, it would follow the bikini line on a very high-cut bathing suit.

This worried me for a bit. I have been reassured that the pain I was feeling was normal. I had 0 knowledge of why. I did the research and feel better when I stretch and say oyyyie! Lol

I am now researching : (1) natural, (2) medicated, and (3) cesarean.
We are discussing a birthplan and options. Natural sounds amazing but I cant be certain that I won't yell " give me drugs!". But there are side effects to those drugs & only a cesarean if I must. Longer recovery, don't want to deal with that unless I absolutely have to.

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