Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spoiled Mutt.

Ever since we got sandy, I fell in love with her. We bonded quickly, maybe because we were the only females in the house?
She has been an amazing womens best friend. She has stuck by myside through more then she knows. When at times my husband couldn't understand my saddness... she was there to comfort me. Many a night shed snuggle in my arms as I would silently cry myself to sleep. Some days missing my family and somedays infertility. Id wake up and she would be right there, in my arms.
Not only is she worlds sweetest dog, she has also survived death. Over a year ago ( in our country life) she snuck out of the ranch fence and either got booted by a horse or snapped by a snake. She had two gashes between her eyes, a swollen jaw ( unable to open), pure white gums and mess on her, along with some dust. I was calling for her for about 10 mins and as I feared the worse, she stumbled up our dirt and rock drive way to me. She collapsed in my arms. I started to panic and David carried her inside. I quickly prayed for her and begged God to pleeeeeeeaaaase save her. She was only just about one years old then. We called vets but no go as it was memoral weekend. All we could do was pray. She got " stable" but she only wanted to be under the bed. They say dogs go off when they are at the end, so many times id say Sandy just to hear the staggered thumb of her tail, just to reassure myself she was still alive. Day by day she'd get somewhat better. It wasn't till after about 2 weeks went by when I caught her trying to rough house with the big dogs, I knew then we had our girl back for sure!

*something else happened to her, for the life of me I cant remember what. Hmmm.

She no longer sleeps under the bed. She must sleep at myside. Sometimes she gets bed hoggish
(that weenie body!)  But i wouldn't trade her in! She dances with me when im cooking and listening to music ( she knows she gets treats) , she grabs her dress when its cold and brings it to us, she gets super excited to see me and gives me high fives, we play hard, shes gentle with baby animals... which makes me guess, shes going to be an amazing first pup for the bean in my womb.

I have to break her from sleeping with me, due to the fact sometimes a babe will be having most ( hey i have a hands on husband) of my attention. I worry over jealousy. David can only cuddle with me so long before she gets ansy. normally we tell her " nicolas cage" and she goes in her cage, not happy as she will peep her head out see if we say no.

Its going to be hard to break this habit, when we went to California both times, I reached for her in the bed because i couldn't ( obviously) feel her on my leg.

Its for the best and I promise to get her a deluxe doggy bed. Ill keep u posted.

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