Sunday, May 20, 2012


As of late, and with the lack of sleep in my life, ive been a bit tense. My give a damn was broken on multiple daily subjects...

However, my hope has been established once again!

I have to lay off the infertility and either wait for God to move or just accept being a mom is not my calling- no matter how much my heart breaks. I will always have hope. Maybe one day my life will change in that aspect but for now... I have a calling that I need to do.

I am a writer. Its who I am. Its all I think about ( millions of great stuff running through this brain). From my prize winning blue dog story in second grade, writing poems instead of playing volleyball in jr high,writing for the bay city times in high school (50 bucks an article!), to my failed but still dreaming attempt at a zombie comic ( 2 issues wrote but no commited artists), my childrens books that need a publisher, my movie ideas ( i write the general idea but im way to lazy for script writing, ill be honest!).

So its mo wonder why non writing jobs make me miserable! I think the best part of my job that i fully enjoy is creating the weekly news letter.
Maybe its the 80 days till my 30th birth, but I wanna be who I am ... a writer.

Now all I need is a computer. Cuz pen to paper is nice... but I got stuff to do!

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