Friday, September 7, 2012

The love of a pup

When i was with child, i heard dogs could sence it. I didn't pay attention but as the weeks went on, Sandy would gently lay her head on my belly or curl up to my belly as best she could. I started to believe the stories.
During my D&C operation, Sandy stayed at Tinas, basically I didn't feel up to her bed hoggy, pushing herself in my face to get pet ways.
When she came home, boy was she a different dog. She seemed to be even more lovingly. She would lay up by my shoulders and put her face by my face, or sniff my belly
(that i still don't get) . She wouldn't hog the bed but just curl up next to me. If I was crying she would just put her head on my lap or try to lick my tears.
She was my gal during my emotional struggles with infertility and shes been my gal during the survival of the miscarriage.
I am definitely thankful for her love.

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