Friday, August 24, 2012

Strong faith.

Alot of people are taken back when I say I had to cancel a fertility meeting with dr (to discuss our possibilities) when out of the blue I became pregnant.

Faith is what got me through and I leaned on Gods word. Mostly through this site :

Many nights id read it over and over

And Hannahs prayer, bible stories, I researched it... I dived in to Gods word. I discovered that even tho women in the Bible waited years for a child, they always always got their blessing.

I knew that what He did for them, He will do for me.

I prayed and begged to not take " scientific steps" because I wanted HIM to do it. To heal whatever it was, because I was more then certain He could.

Oh, days I back slid. Infertility is most definitely one of the most challenging test I ever been through. But with His grace, I got through it.

I knew He promised me because of what I felt in my heart. Its perfect timing too. Peace has over came me, David is healing ( emotionally). We, with the blessings of God, will have a family. Something we both wanted, needed so very bad.

Another reason why we didn't wait till the 2nd trimester to tell. Glory to God. A sweet blessing it is but even greater to see God move and as always, remain faithful.
( other reason is, well morning sickness at work... i didn't want coworkers to know before my loved ones.)

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