Sunday, August 26, 2012

Privacy Notice.

As of today: 9 weeks down. 31 weeks to go thats Only 217 days till due date!

Our little raspberry ( nickname given by Samantha when he/she was the size of one. This will stick with him/her till their 20s) can now suck thumbs and make a fist. No fist pumping please!

While David and I have been digging, sorting through the dos and don'ts, how are wes and wtc people actually parent like that moments : we have made a final clear cut policy for this family. Ive had this idea for sometime and the more my friends and family go over the top I am certain of it. So what is it? We will be limiting our precious babes internet fame.
I will blog ( of course), and still use fb, Instagram, however it will be limited on pictures. I will share some because of family across the country but it will be very limited. so
If you expect to see pics of him/her you may want to drop by the house ( call first) and look at them in the old fashion way: a photo album. Or for family out of area, we plan to send cards & pics every now and then.

Whats your veiws on people shying away their spawn from social networks or taking a million pics and putting them for the world to see?

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