Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sign of the times.

Early pregnancy is not a cake walk. I thought the toughest part was the later months. Besides morning sickness, i was under the assumption that was all I had to worry about.

I was wrong.

My breasts are (already!) bigger. My bras dont fit. On top of the soreness and the feeling of little needles when I wake up. I got a body
pillow to keep me from sleeping on my belly. Habit pregnancy will break for me.

"Morning sickness" is a complete misunderstanding! Who even came up with that term??? I felt like I was sick everyday but then I realized I have been working everyday. It was my jobs mixture of smells that make me sick. Koddos to my little bean for not liking me at work. Also, if i skipp a meal ( due to over sleeping) i get sick. I eat and im fine.

I also have super smell. David used to tease me because I couldn't smell. Now its all I do. Also, cause of my nausea.

Cravings came earlier than I expected. Wasnt this when an almost ready to be born baby demands me to eat weird stuff? Nope! And im craving spicy stuff. However, I ( already being a good mom) wont let us over indulge. Besides the possible heart burn, Ive been forcing myself to down different foods, healthy like fruits and veggies.
However, I have no sweet tooth. Sweet stuff gets pushed away.

Sleepyness....I was already an easy to sleep person. My mom told me that I slept through the night my first night home. But to fall asleep when you don't want to, sucks. & we are taking a mini getaway down route 66. Better bring a pillow and let Jazz sit up front. Wake me when we get to Pops!

Bathroom breaks: again something I thought happened when a 4 pound baby is pressing,kicking,stomping on your bladder. I have to go every time I drink something. And 10 times in between that!

1st prenatal doctor visit is Aug 6th

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