Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

Yes! We expecting a little bundle of joy around mid March!!!

 And to think, I never made it to my fertility doctor! Its alll God and nothing else. I cant stop praising Jesus, even when the low budget health department told me i wasn't. I had home test to prove it! I had signs and symptoms to prove it! I had the truth of Jesus to prove it.

I either became preggy in Cali or after we got back, im waiting a dr appointment to find out. So im not sure how far along I am. One nurse has me a bit nervous because she said if im feeling like im feeling and if im not that far along: multiples.

But in my heart of hearts, id looove that. It is a family trait & how cool would it be to carry on in my grammys footsteps. She had twins
( my mama being one) on her first pregnancy.

Whatever the outcome, im feeling very blessed and cant thank God enough.

2 weeks till my 30 th bday!!!

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