Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Healthy Grub.

Our fridge is stocked with fresh fruit and veggies. My spicey craves are over ( Thank God).
Now my taste buds crave fruit and veggies. Im still iffy to try pineapple after our trip to Pops.
Plums, bananas, raspberries, peaches cover my plate.
as well: dark green leafy salads with every ( Healthy) salad topping.
I also have been trying to expand my cooking expertise.
Our oven doesn't work so I haven't did anything to exciting.

Tonights menu: soup ( tomato and maybe a veggie for David and Jazz)
,salad and bagels with a light gralic spread or cream cheese- my treat for the night.
Physically, im feeling great. Nausea is better and rare. I still get tired and often need a nap during the day.
Emotionally, im a roller coaster. They canceled my dr appointment and I wanted to kick and scream.

I can be a bit snappy, but do my best to just go be by myself until that ride is over.

As of Aug 20th, im two months in. I feel like im a bit farther, seeing how my projected conseption date is the first day of my last cycle. Hmmm.
Im sure it will change a time or two.

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