Friday, July 6, 2012

Onward ol Future...

In one month, I will  no longer be in my 20s. I'm numb as the future seems very promising. One question remains, how am I still barren? The last  ten years have been fun, challenging, crazy & exciting. I have only two regrets. One is my fault, my continuing education. Two... I just haven't been blessed yet. I look back on my childhood and along with my cabbage patch dolls... it was natural. I was obviously ment to be a mom. I would pick the perfect name and stick with it for years. I would babysit and get the experience. Then my friends had babies, and kept having babies... while, I sat in the background. No babies for me. I traveled. I experienced life the moms would give a million bucks for when in return I'd give it all up to be woke up at night to change a dirty diaper.

So i only have hope that this dream I'd live in reality. That my thin haired  cabbies would come to life, that playing house was something I was doing with my daughter.

I never played house where my cabbage patch kids never came.

There's alot we don't know as children, as young adults we always have the future. What do we have as regular, going through life day by day, paying bills Adults?

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