Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 25: Cuteness overload

#photoaday is something cute.

I had to think long about this one. Theres been many a cute stuff going around my house:

Preggo kitty
Sandy dancing with me while I listen to music and cook dinner
Jazz playing with the boys outside
David walking in from work to change his clothing because he just became office manager ( yes, another promotion!!!)
All the giggles between David,Jazz and I. We are having a blast bonding.

But im posting a picture of the handmade bag that Jazmin and David picked up for me at the concert since I wasn't there with them. *however, they had a blast!
Jazmin stated they picked this one because it had my three favorite things: green,crosses, and pink!
My heart melted that she would be so thoughtful in which to pick, let alone even have the idea to do so.

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