Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 21 sleepless nights

#photoaday is where i sleep.

Did two overnights back to back... and after a relaxing vacation its extra hard to stay up! I had today off and got mostly nothing accomplished. I really need to get a handle on our bedroom but i think thats not gonna actually happen till my next day off, no matter how many days I wake up and plan to do so! Yup... fail. But its justified in my eyes: sleep for overnights and spending time with Jazz.

Lifes good.

Davids job is going A-MAZING. He is basically on cloud 9 and once the $ starts rolling in (mine Monday his Friday) all off our bills will be caught up and staking for ohio begins...

But the company car and an ipad isnt to bad for a bonus.

*she always seems to be in my spot :)

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