Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 18. Something we dont know about you

#photoaday is something we don't know about you.

Wow its 91 degrees last i checked! So much hotter the California. Jazz and I spent the day with a walk to taco mayo then unpacked her room. She has dreams of painting and while I dont mind...but I have dreams of moving! If not to a coastal oasis then to Oklahoma city. Ill compromise! Being in California makes me realize how much I truly miss bigger cities. The art. The farmers markets. The ever flowing assortment of cultures.

Oh how I miss getting lost in museums, stopping for an Italian ice and maybe enjoyed a turkey sandwich in a park while bird watching, chatting with strangers about the day, and just resetting my workings of me. Not that im even asking for alone time// all of the time//.

Weaving through the big cities in California made me realize how much Im not a country girl or that even if I had a horse to ride... Ill forever crave big city life.... close to the beach.

So what don't you know about me? Im hoping you don't know that that i love slippers. :) if i could, id wear them everywhere!

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