Friday, August 31, 2012

Zechariah. My sweet angel.

Wednesday night just before midnight, i started bleeding. I thought it was routine stuff.Ive been through. I wasn't to worried but upset David was on a cattle run.
By morning the bleeding picked up and Tina & April took me to the ER.
It took awhile for the results of the ultrasound to come back, and I knew. I just knew.
My wonderful nurse ( she has been there every ER trip) told me there was no heartbeat. She was even crying. 1, she is pregnant herself.
I had an amazing staff. Always have at St Francis. And April Reeves, your an amazing woman. Thank you for friendship and being there for me.
They gave me the whats next options. I wasn't sure and wanted to discuss it with David when he got home. We decided that due to the pain I was having, that a D&C would be our choice.
Thursday we made our way and while we waited for hours. I was calm and just prayed and felt Gods peace.
In the ER, they do the routine stuff. And put the breathing mask on and I felt Jesus say close your eyes. Next thing I know Im with Him and a glorious gift he showed me that our Zechariah is ok and with my gram who looked absolutely beautiful. no words were spoken just smiles and this over whelming peace.
I woke up sobbing, I was crying and saying Zac and I thanked Jesus while I was under.
When David came in the room I could barely whispher ( due to the tube I had in my throat) and I was just saying I seen them over and over.
David has been such an amazing husband to me. We were dealing with some issues before this but we have only gotten stronger.I love him forever.
Alot of questions were answered aboutlast week. Random person who Ive asked to stay away from my family, kept showing up or calling. Theres only so many times you can help someone or let them use you. I understand how tho, the devil was using this person as a pawn for anger to grow in me. Im sure the devil had knowledge of this happening and normally I would of exploded. But I see the truth. But this marriage cant be broken. We just get stronger. The devil will use people to distract you, and this person is definitely played into his hand. Please pray for this person, God knows the name.
Tina & my Crosley family, you have been the best girlfriend a girl needs. Your my sister for ever. I don't know how id get through some of this without you. You sat by me the whole time, spoiling me. And if the tables are turned, i will be at your beck and call. I love you. Your children are absolutely wonderful through this. They already loved the little raspberry, they are forever special to me.

After surgery, the dr said I was ok. I have no cyst, no blockages, no infection. And when we are ready to try again, we will be given a green light.
Check up in two weeks.
& starting a fatmumslim photoaday for September, all going to be dedicated to our Zechariah David Tampkins.

( ive felt we were having a boy for awhile. I dressed in blue & even painted my toe nails blue before we left to have the operation, in honor of our little angel)


Candy said...

I love your blog. I love your honesty. I love your love for God and everyone. The best is yet to come lady. <3

The Tampkins said...

Thanks. I never know who is actually reading it, then ill get a phone call, letter in the mail or ( even cooler) someone will quote me. Im going to get back into my Christian women blog. I hope youll read that too!