I just got off an overnight shift. This time, I was manager in charge and while a few miss haps happened they were resolved quickly. The night went by fast and pretty smoothly.
As i was walking into the house, i took a second to look back on those early mornings going to catch the bus while it was dark or driving off to first period early to work on homework or a project. It was nice to be up and have that spring is here feeling. So much so that I cant sleep and strongly feel that the three shots of espresso have little to do with it. So now, after trying to lay down... im in my uncomfy chair reading a book and listening to the birds
Meanwhile, i came home and admired my plants ( as often i do) and to notice that just a few hours... more has grown.
Im.so happy that I decided to plant flowers this year. I may invest more time and energy in growing some more.
My beautiful ginourmus sunflowers are popping through the soil, im so very excited to watch this. One because im remembering which ones are sunflowers, Autumn sunflowers, and my garden blend. Two, because i never knew how sunflowers grew. I assumed that the root came out of the shell and thr shell just stayed in the dirt. One would think, but that is not the case. Its so cool to see the shell coming out of the dirt , stretching to the sunlight... waiting for that perfect moment to fall off.
Im sure many people knew this and with held such cool.info from me, and i forgive you! :)
Today is supposed to be in the 80s. So when i sleep, im sure it wont be for long. Im taking my plants out for some out of the window sunlight. Taking a dog for a walk, and maybe grabbing an icecream cone.
Ice cream sounds perfect this week. I hope your sunflowers turn out strong and beautiful. I put some seeds out by Kirby's grave to plant along behind where his marker will go and then I got distracted by that dead nettle and henbit invaded the lawn! These are not giant sunflowers and I don't know that the previous seeds germinated in past years so wish me luck!
Never got the ice cream. ( i did today however) but I managed to make full use of my day off. My mammoth sunflowers are talking off quickly. Just wish my bell peps would do the same. Love ya
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