Friday, March 16, 2012

The little garden that could.

This gardening thing im sure falling in love with. Wish the area of my yard that will be the serenity garden was more sunny, id plant a big veggie garden there. Im currently scoping out places to put one next year.
After the kennels are up, and i can put up a better looking fence ( dislike chain link) im thinking its gonna go in the side corner. Plenty of sun but a near by tree will help the plants not get scortched. So, next year!

Its time to transplant my tomatoes, but im currently out of pots * gardeners fail* but will be doing so on my next day off.

Green beans looking great!!!
Jalapanos growing
Calentro popping up
Cucumbers on schedule
Being ran over by sunflowers!
16 popping up outside, plenty more indoors and more to plant. Giving much away to friends. Some already claimed.

But nothing on the bell pepps.
That saddens me a bit.

Was thinking trying some pumpkin and transplanting them  later. People alway pay $ for pumpkins in October, id like to give them away. I dont know yet.

Ideas, tips? Please share!

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